A cool season perennial mixture.


Safeguard yourself against mother nature. Diversity can increase palatability and production when placed correctly and managed well.

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    With balanced energy and protein, this high-end mixture of grasses and legumes is designed specifically to provide livestock the nutrition they need to maintain, gain and produce in the challenging climate of the southeast.

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  • Close up of grass maxx mixture

    Grass Maxx

    Grass Maxx is a rugged all-grass mix for maximum weed control and flexibility.

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    Rejuvenate 2,4,6,8

    An interseeding mixture of white clover, red clover, orchardgrass, and endophyte-free tall fescue that is perfect for maintaining productive, diverse pastures or hayfields.

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    Tower Plus

    A high palatability mix made of up soft leaf novel fescue, orchardgrass, red and white clovers. Excellent for grazing, hay, or haylage production.

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    This all-grass mix was designed to add diversity, improve quality and extend the growing season.

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    Econo Pasture Mix

    Econo mix for overseeding/reseeding. Fescue, orchardgrass, festulolium and white clover.

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