Wildlife Mix

Lure Wildlife Mix

pea mix

Lure is designed to attract and feed wildlife with a unique blend of small grains, legumes, and brassicas.

  • Staged forage growth provides vegetative grass from late fall through mid-spring
  • Legumes add nitrogen and high protein content
  • Brassicas break up soil hardpans and provide energy to wildlife
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Mixture Components

Spring Oats

Grow rapidly in the early fall, providing quick ground cover to hold soil, smother weeds and provide quick nutrient scavenging. The oats may winter kill, but they offer that early season growth to lure wildlife.


Provides coverage after the spring oats winter kill, but keep the canopy open enough for the brassica, winter peas, and crimson clover to thrive.


Germinates quickly and rapidly attracts wildlife. Strong regrowth allows this brassica to continue to provide nutrition and attract wildlife throughout the winter.

Crimson Clover and Winter Peas

Provides dense crude protein to the wildlife and adds nitrogen to the soil to decrease nitrogen fertility needs.

Planting Instructions

Drill this mixture for best results, as it contains larger seeds. Calibrate the drill to ensure an accurate rate.

Seeding Rate - Drilled50 lbs/ac
Planting Depth0.5"
Target Planting Date45 days prior to first hard frost